The title is interesting. Notice that it is in the present tense and he is ‘returning’, almost as if he never stops on his journey. This is an early reflection on something I feel the poem shows throughout and that is the hardship of fatherhood and the constant need to provide for your family. The other part of the title to look at closely is the word ‘home’. The connotations of home are numerous, but it is an overwhelming positive word of comfort, warmth, acceptance and belonging. Whatever a home is, it is the one place that we want to be and feel apart of. Thus all his journey and his work that is later described or alluded to in the poem is for one thing: so he can provide a home and develop a home for himself. If you think about how hard life was for grandmother as she brought her family up, in the previous poem in the collection, then you should quickly see parallels here. The father is on the ‘late evening train’, which implies he has worked a long day, a fact that is furth...
ISC Poems And Prose